星期四, 12月 29, 2005

Orange cheese cake

Follow the cook book to make this cake, very big, use 2 different cheese, bake for more than a hour, taste good !

星期三, 12月 28, 2005

Christmas hamper

This one I receive on 24/12, but I forget to bring the camera, so take the photo later, it is really very heavy, it have the cake that I like most, I will share with my friends.

星期二, 12月 27, 2005

Christmas Present

A late Christmas present received today from my friend, I like it very much ! very useful for me, I will bake cake by using them, thanks to Suen.

星期四, 12月 22, 2005

Banana bean curd cheese cake

Taste like eating beancurd not cheese cake !!!! the cake is too big for me, and it take very long time to bake...............!!!!! and it use many many sugar ! FAT !!!!!

星期日, 12月 18, 2005

First time home made

This is the first time I make cake by myself alone ! I follow the demonstration at the internet, not that difficult, this is the one that I wish to bake for a long time - cheese cake ! I wish to make blueberry cheesecake , but the caned blueberry is very big, I may need to bake within a week, I don't want to eat cheese cake many times a week, So I just thinking to make a big one, so that it is easier to finish the blueberries ! Talking about this New York cheese cake, taste is fine, similar as the one that I ate at coffee shop, the sour cream too "sour" next time I will add more sugar to make it sweeter !

星期五, 12月 16, 2005

4th cake

This is the first time I make sponge cake,
not that difficult,
I make many flowers on the top (other people only few pcs)
and some icing sugar of course ( that's my flavour) !!!
and I decided to make cake at home later.

星期六, 12月 10, 2005

3rd cake

This one is most exciting , because the chocolate cover need to do it very fast around
10 second, I just afraid I can't finish it , but I did it !!!!!! very happy !


這是我做的第二個蛋榚,因為是午油蛋榚,所以好 heavy,我好喜歡做裝飾個部份.


相約好友一齊又返大陸,今次去落馬洲過境,第一次喺呢邊過關,過咗關之後,喺福田口岸站集合,然後一齊搭深圳地鐵去一個叫做紅山嘅站,由呢度搭過去要10個站,第一次搭深圳嘅地鐵,用香港Alipay都可以掃碼搭地鐵!呢度嘅地鐵係要用X光機掃描你嘅包包/行李先可以入閘! 去到紅山站,去一個叫...