星期六, 4月 15, 2006



3 則留言:

crystalcake 說...


Love ダッフィー 說...

yes, that is 義美, after I ate them all , I found that the expiry date is 13/5 ! I think 2 days not a big problem !
I'm really very very angry about Fai sir ! he shouldn't do that to you ! it's bad ! if he have his own school, he will not last long !!

crystalcake 說...

although I feel quite upset but I'm not hate him...

2024年10月東京七天生日之旅 Day 5 - 築地、渋谷 Shibuya Sky

今朝一早醒左,早D出門,行去小伝馬町站,撘Metro 日比谷線直接去築地,由本願寺嗰邊行過去場外市場,行咗一個圈,想去虎杖食海膽飯,發現佢開咗一間分店,但係呢間分店係完全冇客,因為佢個格局同其餘嘅唔同,呢度冇壽司吧枱,即係話睇唔到師傅嘅製作過程,我哋覺得冇乜所謂,唔使排隊等位食同...